UKUUG spring 2008 and 1st PostgreSQL UK conference report
My first UK Unix User Group conference and the first ever Postgres UK conference ended on Wednesday. Both were successful, reactions I overheard were good. Dave Page has a posted a wrapup. My favorite talk of the conference has to be Software patents and open standards by Pieter Hintjens. His style was engaging and his words cleared my understanding and opinion of software patents and more. Expect a post on this matter soon. There were many more talks on the Wednesday I would have loved to attend. Audio was recorded for nearly all talks and should be uploaded soon. A close second is Explaining EXPLAIN by Greg Stark. He gave a concise & understandable talk on a deep subject in a short timeslot. The slides from all the postgres talks have been uploaded already. A The PostgreSQL conference closed with a discussion of features attendees missed in PostgreSQL and discussion of a conference goal - to increase the profile of the UK PostgreSQL User Group (ukpug). The ukpug mailing list takes a little tracking down, but please sign up if you’re in the UK and into PostgreSQL.